Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Activity 1 - Analyze Logo, Diary Farmers

1. Symbols, Icons and Imagery

The imagery used in this logo is  flower made up of shapers, that are all very round and circular. There are 2 swirls enclosing the banner with the type. The top swirl almost looks like a grassy path leading to the flower, which makes it looks like a flower field. This would symbolize the freshness of the product, using the imagery of cows on a beautiful fresh field. People would get the impression that these are good quality products.

2. Colours used in the logo

The colours used are blue, green, yellow and white for the use of type. The use of colours in this branding is not abstract, but very literal and to the point.

3. The message the colours are conveying

Blue and white as a combination evoke the though of freshness. The middle of the flower is yellow, which also looks like a sun, double meaning. The grass is green. All these are naturals colours, very clean, plain, fresh. It doesn't use any gradients or shading.

4. Use of type

The type used is a sans serif, that is a bold style. The type is in white, put against a banner, which is why I think it was made bold, so it stands out more against the dark blue background. It is meant to be easily read, clean, hence why no serifs are used to keep the fresh, clean look of the brand.

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